Participant and Medical Release Form

This form is required for many activities and events sponsored by Speedway UMC and is helpful for keeping participants safe by having current medical and insurance information on hand in case of an emergency. In order to keep this information up-to-date, you will be expected to fill this form out at least once per year. We also ask that you contact us if you have any changes to your (or your child’s) personal, medical, or insurance information so we can update our records. 

Participant Information


Emergency Contact Information


Medical Insurance Information


Participation Release Statement

I wish to participate/wish the child for whom I am legal guardian of to participate in the above activity scheduled by Speedway United Methodist Church.  I am aware of any special dangers and risks inherent in participating in the above activity and/or riding in arranged church transportation, including physical injury, or other consequences arising or resulting from the above activity.  I agree to assume and accept responsibility for such risks.  I agree to assume and accept responsibility for any medical costs which may result from my participation or my child’s participation in the above activity.  

In consideration of and part of a right to participate in the above activity, I hereby agree to indemnify, release and hold harmless Speedway United Methodist Church and it’s Trustees, officers, appointees, agents, and employees from any and all losses, costs, damages and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from any claim (including claims based in whole or in part upon allegations of negligent acts or omissions of any of the indemnified parties) by or on behalf of any person, for any personal injury, death or damage to property arising out of my participation or the participation of the child for whom I am legal guardian of in the above activity offered by Speedway United Methodist Church.  I have read this release, indemnification and hold harmless agreement and understand its meaning.

Clear Signature