As a youth group we are committed...
• To being respectful to ALL who enter our doors.
• To support one another through encouragement, accountability, and love.
• *To show respect and support, we will disconnect from our electronic devices so that we can connect with each other.
We recognize to fully commit to this we must be honest with each other and be present in one another’s lives!

Youth Behavior Policy
To keep this covenant, we understand that the following specific rules must be upheld:
1. Appropriate language should be always used. Cursing, jokes, and language that is hurtful or discriminating toward another person will not be tolerated.
2. Appropriate physical behavior is expected of all youth. Physical harassment and abuse, including sexual harassment, physical intimidation, and fighting will not be permitted.
3. While attending any Speedway UMC’s Youth event or while on Speedway UMC’s property, youth must remain in the designated, adult-supervised areas. Youth are not permitted to wander alone and must stay in the presence of an adult chaperone/volunteer unless they have been directed otherwise by the Youth Director or other person in charge of the event.
4. Physical contact will be limited during any youth event or other church activity. There will be no kissing, petting or any other physical contact deemed inappropriate by the staff of adult volunteers.
5. Clothing worn at any youth activity should be modest. Clothing that is sexually suggestive or spiritually degrading is not permitted. Clothing with vulgar, illegal, or offensive content is not permitted. If the activity requires bathing suit attire, females are strongly encouraged to wear one-piece suits or tankinis (not bikinis), and males must wear swimming trunks or shorts (no Speedos).
6. There is ZERO TOLERNACE for alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, vapes, e-cigarettes, and weapons of any kind during any youth related activity.
7. Attending a church-related function while under the influence is grounds for immediate dismissal from activity.
8. *Electronic devices may only be used during unstructured fellowship time. They may not be used during worship, organized structured activities, or bible studies. *Youth not abiding by this will be given a reminder warning to put their device away and then (on the second incident of the event) will be asked to place their electronic devices in a designated area until the event is over.
9. Respect for other youth and adult leaders is always expected. Disruptive behavior, including horseplay, or other types of interruptions that are discourteous during a youth event will not be permitted.
10. Bullying or teasing of any kind will not be tolerated during any youth related activities.

If the standard of our Youth Covenant is not upheld, or if the behavior policies are broken, the following action(s) will take place:
• All individuals will be held personally responsible for any damage to property they may incur. This may include paying for damages outright or working out a service to pay for the damages.
• Immediate removal from the activity by the parent(s) will occur for possession of any kind.
Also, if the Youth Director or other adult volunteers feel that a youth puts themselves or others at risk, the parents will be notified and asked to remove that youth. For all other problems, the following procedure will be used:
1. A verbal warning will be given which may include a conversation with an adult leader apart from the group.
2. Depending on the severity of the offense, a second warning may be given. If a second warning is issued, the youth will also be required to alert their parent or guardian of the situation with a phone call.
3. If the disruptive or inappropriate behavior continues, the parents/guardians will be asked to remove the youth from the event. The youth will be allowed to return to the next event with a clean slate.
4. If a chronic behavior problem develops with a youth, consequences may vary, including the implementation of a cooling off period, suspension from the program, or limited access to youth events. In such cases, the parent/guardian will be asked to partner with the Youth Director and Speedway UMC’s Pastoral Staff in developing strategies to address the youth’s behavior.
In severe cases, outside counseling may be recommended. Future attendance of Speedway Youth events will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Speedway UMC recognizes that we all miss the mark, and we are not perfect beings. The youth ministry team will therefore be expected to uphold this covenant with grace and compassion using prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the collective guidance of our siblings in Christ. Our purpose is to discipline and teach in a manner that uplifts and encourages youth to know the love of Jesus Christ and to glorify God in all they do.
We, the undersigned youth and parent/guardian of the youth, acknowledge that the youth listed above is interested in participating in Speedway United Methodist Church’s Youth Ministry for the church year running August, _2023_ through July, _2024_. With the understanding that the church, its staff, and designated volunteers care deeply for the youth of this community and make every effort to provide safe and enjoyable activities for the youth to experience, we agree that, to accomplish this, the covenant and policies will be enforced.

Clear Signature
Clear Signature