Mission Covenant

Speedway UMC supports the following ministries with funds donated to the Mission Covenant.

January & February

Brightwood Community Center “transforms lives through the love of God by providing to the community a safe haven for educational, spiritual, and physical growth.” Their goals are to cultivate and expand opportunities, skills, resources, and connections to enrich lives. They believe that each person should be empowered to become their best in order to help others. Brightwood CC provides the following essential programs and resources for low or no cost:  SPARK After School Homework/Tutoring Program, SPARK Summer Camp, Sharing Space Food Pantry and a Parent Empowerment Program. 

March & April

For over twenty years, this ministry continues to serve many children from six-week-old infants all the way to age eighteen. They provide quality daycare, before and after care for school-age children and youth summer programs.

May & June

Red Bird Mission, Inc. and Red Bird Clinic, Inc. have been providing ministries in the Appalachian Mountain region since 1921. Today the need remains critical in this isolated, rural distressed area. Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area. Red Bird Mission and Clinic strive to meet these needs through ministry in five areas: Education, Health and Wellness, Community Outreach, Economic Opportunity, and Community Housing Improvement.

July & August

A multi-denominational, cross-cultural mission and relief agency, Tree of Life Ministry is a part of the working hands and feet of God to the Lakota Nation residing on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, serving body, mind, and soul. They feed, cloth, shelter, and love. They demonstrate His love, power, and grace to a broken and hurting society.

September & October

Vida Nueva is located at 2801 West Washington St. in Indianapolis. Vida Nueva operates a community center which provides assistance, training, and language skills to the Hispanic community.

November & December

Mission Guatemala Inc. is devoted to meeting the basic needs and improving the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through Health, Education and Housing initiatives and missionary service. Rev. Tom Heaton is a member of the Indiana Annual Conference. Prior to founding Mission Guatemala, Tom served churches in Evansville and Nashville. He now serves as Associate Director of Mission and Justice for the INUMC.